Creative Chidiya is named after India’s most heartwarming houseguest, i.e., the Indian Sparrow. After seeing the plight of Indian sparrows and hearing about their nearing extinction, our founder decided to name us as a tribute to the great Indian Sparrows, or Chidiyas, as we fondly call them.
We wish to bring awareness about this cause with our work and aim to rehabilitate these missing birds back to their glory days. No home is a home if it isn’t grace by a Chidiya. Similarly, no brand is a brand if it isn’t graced by Creative Chidiya.
The Story Of
Indian Sparrow or Chidiya
Sparrows have co-existed next to us in the environment for thousands of years. Sadly, they are now rapidly going extinct. The tweeting and chirping cheerful small birds, which were once common, are now uncommon in cities and towns. And their loss is our fault as humans.
They no longer rest in the crevices and edges of our homes, as modern homes lack those elements. They either fail to locate resting locations or, even if they do, feel inadequately secure. Most of our homes, especially in high-rise buildings, lack facilities and an ecosystem for sparrows to build nests. We no longer have a garden or backyard to scatter grains or sparrow feed or put up a water bowl. They don’t have a place to live, eat or drink in peace. Our cities are nothing but concrete jungles with less and less green cover each year.
We must bring significant lifestyle changes to save our dear sparrows from becoming completely extinct.
Make a difference today
What Can We Do?
Keep water bowls and grains on our balconies/ windows/ gardens/ backyards.
Plant more trees and increase the green cover.
Build natural and artificial (seemingly natural) nests for sparrows in our balconies, windows, or neighbourhood trees.
Regularly clean your surrounding and generate bio manure from your waste as birds like sparrows feed on it.
Don’t use harmful chemicals on plants; birds can fall sick or die upon consumption.